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Menzies Aviation Enhances Inclusivity with Recite Me Assistive Technology

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Worker looking at aeroplane

Menzies Aviation has introduced the Recite Me toolbar on its careers and corporate website to create an inclusive digital experience for those searching and applying for roles. 

Menzies Aviation is the leading service partner to the world’s airports and airlines, with operations on six continents, at more than 265 airports in 55-plus countries, serving more than 4 million flights a year and handling over 2 million tonnes of cargo. Supported by a team of over 45,000 highly trained people, the company provides complex and time-critical ground services, including passenger, lounge and ramp services; air cargo services, including handling, warehousing and wholesale freight forwarding; and fuel services, including fuel farm management and into-plane fuelling. 

Mock-up of the Recite Me toolbar being used on the Menzies Aviation website

Adopting Recite Me on the Menzies Aviation Careers website provides tools for those searching and applying for a role within the aviation industry, in a way that best suits their needs. 


Juliet Thompson, Chief People Officer at Menzies Aviation, spoke on embracing the Recite Me toolbar on their website, saying, “Ensuring that everyone can access our Global Careers Hub in an inclusive way and that best suits their needs is vital to maximising the strength and diversity of our workforce. We’re proud to have embraced Recite Me’s innovative assistive technology, which will improve accessibility for anybody wanting to build their career at Menzies.”


Future employees and users of Menzies Aviation will be able to take advantage of Recite Me’s 4 main toolbar features, which can help them digest information and complete job applications barrier-free. These are a screen reader, a set of reading aids, styling and customisation options and a translator with up to 100 languages, 65 of which can be read aloud. 

It’s great to see Menzies Aviation come on board with Recite Me as they join London City Airport and Gatwick Airport.

If you want to follow their lead, our accessibility experts are available to give you more information on what we offer and book a demo to see the Recite Me toolbar on your own website.

Download Our Online Accessibility and Inclusion Toolkit

Recite Me’s Online Inclusion Toolkit has been developed to help businesses make a real difference for the lives of the millions of people around the world who encounter online barriers.

The toolkit provides practical advice covering the complete landscape of online accessibility. Download your free toolkit now to unlock the power of digital inclusion.

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