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Have Your Say: Inclusive Recruitment Survey

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A young woman with curly hair working on a laptop. She is wearing a denim jacket over a white shirt and appears focused on her task

At Recite Me, we’re committed to driving positive change within the recruitment industry. We’re conducting research to explore how accessible and inclusive the recruitment process truly is, with the goal of better understanding where improvements can be made. Your insights will help shape a more inclusive future for all.

What’s the Survey About?

The survey is broken into 3 sections, a bit about the recruitment industry in general, a bit about how the respondents company is working toward inclusion, and a bit about assistive technology.

Who’s the Survey for?

Why Participate?

Your responses will provide a deeper understanding of where the recruitment industry stands on inclusivity and how Recite Me can support recruiters in making a real difference. Plus, the survey takes just 3.5 minutes to complete!

Our company mission is achieving online accessibility for all. A major part of that is creating meaningful change to pathways to work. With more and more reliance on online processes, automations, and AI decision making in recruitment, it’s important to keep a focus on how these measures impact on minority groups.

34.1% of the general public hold a bias against people with disabilities compared to to non-disabled people. As a company dedicated to accessibility, we feel strongly that we’re empowered to help break down those barriers. Our research project aims to investigate how people with disabilities can be better supported online.


Download Your Inclusive Recruitment Checklist

Attract the best talent for your organisation by becoming an inclusive employer!

Inclusive recruitment doesn’t have to be complicated. This checklist breaks down everything you need to know to attract and retain diverse candidates. Download your checklist today and get started right away.

mock up showing the front cover and inside pages of the checklist with the points laid out in a table
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