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Finance and Law Accessibility Guide

How to get involved?

Our ‘What Does Accessibility Mean To Me?’ awareness week will run from the 18th to 22nd of October, This is a time for us to come together and to get everyone taking and learning about accessibility, diversity, and inclusion.

On the 25th and 26th of November 2021, the UK Met Office issued what they described as “rare red weather warning” as Storm Arwen ascended onto the UK. This forecast was of extreme winds, affecting thousands of homes and businesses.


As people woke up on the morning of the 27th to catastrophic damages to their homes and lives, they rushed to their computers and phones to seek support from gas and electricity distributors. The distributors who provide recite Me assistive technology across their websites collectively saw a 152% spike in usage over the same period last year.


Accessibility to Me company logo

The Recite Me assistive toolbar provides people who have disabilities, learning difficulties, visual impairments, and people who may speak English as a second language, with an inclusive experience online, to view and engage with content in ways that work best for their individual needs.


Across Northern Gas Newtorks, SGN, Cadent Gas, Wales and West Utilities, Northern Powergrid, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, and Electricity North West Limited (ENWL), toolbar usagedata shows  nearly 5,000 people needed the aid of assistive technology viewing over 20,000 website pages.


This shows the amazing support value of providing customers with the extra tools they need to access vital information hassle-free.


Our resource packs will help you engage, educate, and communicate the importance of accessibility for all. Each pack includes:


An awareness brief

Blog articles

Social media posts and graphics

Staff questions

Email templates


Photo of two girls laughing


we have a showcase round table discussion on 21st October at 3:30pm BST. The panel is packed with experts and promises to deliver a diverse view on a range of accessibility, diversity and inclusion topics.


Ross Linnett, Recite Me Dounder and CEO, will be joined by:


Charlotte Sweeney OBE, an ID&E Specialist


Dave Messenger, EDI and Disability Access Officer at Watford Football Club


Jurgen Donaldson, Independent Talent Aquisition and Diversity Advisor


Sophie O’Sullivan, a university student who has dyslexia.


Together they will discuss what accessibility means to them, sharing personal experiences, professional standpoints, and insights on what everyone can do to be more inclusive.

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