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North Wales Fire & Rescue

North Wales Fire & Rescue currently helps to protect an estimated population of 678,461 people over an area of 2,4000 square miles as well as hundreds of thousands of tourists and visitors who come to North Wales every year. 

There are around 317,051 domestic properties and 24,484 non-domestic properties in North Wales that fall under North Wales Fire & Rescue protection.

Desktop, mobile and tablet with North Wales Fire & Rescue website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar
North Wales Fire & Rescue Logo

Our Brief

Statistics reveal that approximately 15% of the population is neurodiverse (National Cancer Institute) which may impact an individual’s ability to read and understand online information. To protect all communities, North Wales Fire and Rescue Service wanted to provide assistive technology online to remove online barriers for those with disabilities, learning difficulties, and visual impairments, and to be able to offer language choice when it comes to advice online.

Our Solution

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service implemented Recite Me online accessibility and language tools to serve the rich diversity of communities across North Wales. The toolbar features which include screen reading functionality, multiple reading aids and customisable styling options plus, the toolbar can be used to support those with disabilities, learning difficulties, and visual impairments, as well as translating to over 100 languages.

Laptop with North Wales Fire & Rescue website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar
North Wales Fire & Rescue Logo
Speech marks icon
Laptop with North Wales Fire & Rescue website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar
Mobile with North Wales Fire & Rescue website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar
Tablet with North Wales Fire & Rescue website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar

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