Breaking Down the Barriers of Dyslexia with Dyslexic Advantage

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Dyslexic Advantage is an online community offering support, advice and awareness to anyone who may be affected by one of the most common learning difficulties in the world. Founded by Drs Fernette and Brock Eide, the organization offers guidance to thousands of members including students, parents, teachers, tutors, employers and business professionals.

In 2012, they released their bestselling book, The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain, The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain, aimed at promoting a positive image and revealing the hidden talents surrounding dyslexia. Today, Dyslexic Advantage’s mission is to continue promoting a positive identity and the achievements of dyslexic people.

Recite Me was delighted to welcome Dyslexic Advantage as one of its new clients recently. Much like Dyslexic Advantage, we believe that dyslexia can be far more of a benefit than a hindrance to people. Even so, Dr. Eide still highlights the importance of understanding the significance dyslexia can play in people’s lives. She explains, “Although dyslexia is associated with many strengths such as creativity and real world problem solving, significant challenges with reading and writing exist in traditional school settings and many dyslexic individuals benefit by accommodations and access to technology.”

Since incorporating Recite Me’s software onto their website, Dr. Eide says that it has brought a tremendous change to the lives of many of its users. Previously, a lot of visitors to the site had to grapple with complicated plug-ins and downloads. Now, at the click of a button, users are able to have their necessary features activated so that they can get the information they need in an easy, accessible format.

Another unexpected way Recite Me’s software has helped users is through passing their driving tests. “We had so many parents and high school students tell us that they were struggling to read their driver training manuals,” Dr. Eide explains. “Less than half of the states had audio for the driver training manuals, which is terrible! We embedded the manuals onto our website, so now people can easily read the manuals from any state which makes it a lot more accessible. That’s a whole generation of kids!”

For people who suspect themselves or someone they know who may have dyslexia, Dr. Eide advises getting tested. Their website also includes a common dyslexia checklist, as well as resources to find dyslexia testers and self-diagnostic tests. She adds, “If you’re a parent asking about a child, you can ask your child’s school for testing, although for comprehensive testing you may need to test privately.”

The main thing the general public can do to support those with dyslexia is raise awareness and parents and teachers can access free resources about dyslexia by charitable organizations such as Dyslexic Advantage. As Dr. Eide suggests, becoming aware of how dyslexia affects people in more ways than just reading, such as sequencing, writing and spelling can have positive ripple effects throughout society. Dyslexia may be as common as 15-20% of the population.

If you yourself or someone you know may be struggling to cope with dyslexia, consider using these valuable resources that are available to ensure you can reach your full potential, whether it’s in the classroom, the workplace, or in your every day life. Although a dyslexic mind may work a little differently, they often have great minds that have more advantages than you may realize.

To find out more about Dyslexic Advantage, as well as subscribing to their free monthly newsletter with great tips and strategies for parents, teachers, and adults, visit

To learn more about how Recite Me can improve your experience on the web, visit to book your free demo today.

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