Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion organisations drive change and lead the way to support companies in improving their processes and workplace. So it makes sense that D&I leaders tackle online accessibility through providing inclusive online experiences for customers and staff across all digital platforms.

Two women working on a laptop Diversity Sector

Diversity and Inclusion Companies to Drive Online and Offline Inclusion

D&I organisations are at the forefront of helping other companies create inclusive environments for their employees and customers. The support information that they provide online should be accessible to everyone. This is almost impossible if their websites are not inclusive.

To lead the way online and offline, diversity and inclusion organsations need to provide accessible experiences on their websites, to stay true to their values, and showcase their commitment to support a diverse range of people.

Why you Should Provide Equal Access to Online Information on D&I Websites

Enhanced Brand Image
Welcoming people with varied disabilities and access needs promotes your commitment to inclusion and sets you apart from the competition.
Employer of Choice
Being inclusive sets you apart as an employer of choice. Higher staff satisfaction scores and reduced turnover rates will increase the pool of candidates who want to interview, work, and stay with you.
Stay True to Your Values
Excluding people online doesn’t sit well in a sector where the general ethos is geared towards equality and inclusion for all.

Let us show you how easy it can be.

Thousands of diversity and inclusion webpages made accessible through the use of assistive technology

We are passionate about working alongside other organisations with the same vision as us – to achieve accessibility for all. 

The Recite Me assistive toolbar breaks down online access barriers making it easier to access information online. Users can make single or multiple adjustments to a website to create a uniquely customised experience.

This is the total number of users who launched the Recite Me toolbar on diversity and inclusion websites.
This is the total number of pages viewed using the Recite Me toolbar.
Higher than the industry average pages viewed per session.
Check out our Article 'Diversity & Inclusion Professionals Champion Web Accessibility'

Read more about how D&I representatives are driving change, disability and inclusion in the workplace, online barriers that website visitors fave, and how you can help.


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