Accessible Sport

The sport and fitness sectors are well known for creating strong community vibes and are recognised as an important means of promoting social inclusion.

Football goal sports sector

Users Face Online Access Barriers on Sports and Exercise Websites

The vast majority of fitness centres and sporting venues have already made their premises accessible to those with physical disabilities. But online, there are still many people who can’t access the information they need.

People look to the internet for many services, including finding a gym, accessing results, and buying tickets. Users may not be able to navigate a website that isn’t inclusive which can lead to them exiting the site and not buying those tickets, or joining that gym. Providing support online can remove barriers and enable everyone to get involved.

Why you Should Provide Online Support in the Sport and Fitness Sector

Overcome Language Barriers
On-page translation and text-to-speech options make websites accessible for sports fans who don’t speak or read in English as a first language.
Increased Revenue
1 in 5 people encounter access barriers online, so an accessible website can make a huge difference. People could be joining other gyms, clubs, and societies over yours because the information on their websites is easier to read.
Enhanced Brand Image
Welcoming people with varied disabilities and access needs promotes your commitment to inclusion and sets you apart from the competition.

Let us show you how easy it can be.

Thousands of sports webpages made accessible through the use of assistive technology

Organisations need to remember that it’s not just physical disabilities that need to be accommodated. Websites need to be accessible so that people with hidden disabilities can have equal access.

The Recite Me assistive toolbar supports website visitors by allowing them to make single or multiple adjustments to a web page, so they can view it in a way that works best for them.

This is the total number of users who launched the Recite Me toolbar on sports websites.
This is the total number of pages viewed using the Recite Me toolbar.
Higher than the industry average pages viewed per session.
Sports Sector Guide Mock Up

Download our Online Accessibility Guide for Sporting Organisations

Read more on why website accessibility is important to sports businesses, who needs support online, the type of access barriers users face, our top tips for an inclusive sporting website.


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