Inclusive Recruitment

Everyone should have the opportunity to find their dream job. Discover hidden talent and recruit from a larger talent pool by providing assistive technology. Support your potential candidates who may be disabled, visually impaired, or who speak English as a second language, with tools to use your website effectively.

Woman with laptop recruitment sector

Barriers within the Recruitment Process are a Real-Life Problem

Researching a new career or applying for a job online, may not be an easy task for everyone as modern recruitment processes rely so heavily on digital technology. 47% of people with a disability in the US reported facing at least 1 barrier to employment.

Only one in three job seekers think employers and recruiters make online job applications suitably accessible for disabled people. Providing support online can attract and support diverse candidates throughout the online recruitment journey.

Why Should You Support Candidates Online?

Enhanced User Experience
Assistive technology allows users to overcome barriers, allowing them to digest online content in a way that works for them.
Increased Talent Pool
Creating an accessible website will attract and support 20% of the population.
Create Equal Opportunities
Providing an inclusive online experience creates a level playing field to enable everyone to express their talents.

Let us show you how easy it can be.

Millions of recruitment web pages made accessible through the use of assistive technology

Website accessibility and inclusion factors have never been more important in the careers and employment sector, as job searches and recruitment drives are increasingly taking place online.

In recent years we have witnessed a surge in recruitment companies and in-house talent teams using our assistive technology to create inclusive candidate journeys.

This is the total number of users who launched the Recite Me toolbar on careers and recruitment websites.
This is the total number of pages viewed using the Recite Me toolbar.
Higher than the industry average pages viewed per session.
Download our Inclusive Recruitment Guide

The guide explores why digital barriers are a problem when researching and applying for jobs, who needs support online, the benefits of providing online support for candidates, and our recent toolbar usage data.


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