Download a Free Website Accessibility Check

Kickstart your website accessibility compliance journey by requesting a free ADA & WCAG accessibility check of your Website’s home page.

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Start Your Compliance Journey

Online accessibility is a never ending and always evolving journey. At Recite Me we are here to provide the support and guidance you need to become inclusive and build an accessible website. Saving you time and money by highlighting what needs to be addressed for the best ROI. Start today with the Recite Me Website Accessibility Check.

Website Accessibility Scan


Start your accessibility journey with a scan of your website covering WCAG 2.2 success criteria.

Accessibility Scanner Fix


We highlight what you need to fix for the biggest improvements to your websites accessibility.

Track Accessibility fixes


Track web accessibility gains and improvements over time and with a manageable fix queue.

Scan accessibility score and report


Download and share your accessibility report and score, showcasing your journey to online inclusion.

What are the risks of an inaccessible website?

Digital accessibility is as much about building a compliant website as it is about providing a friction-free user experience.

How your website is built against accepted industry standards (WCAG) has a real-world impact, such as…

  • Falling out of compliance with federal and international laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Accessible Canada Act (ACA)
  • Providing poor user experiences and creating barriers within valuable online journeys
  • Risk of negative brand sentiment and possible damage to your organization’s reputation
  • A downturn in website performance and SEO impact

Don’t accept this risk, Recite Me is here to remove the fear and complexity from your journey toward web accessibility compliance.

Download a Free Accessibility Check of your Website

Building websites that are in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the American Disability Act standards is more important than ever, allowing your website and business to be accessible to the widest possible audience.

To kickstart your accessibility and journey to inclusion please book a call with the Recite Me team today!