Recite Me Sectors

Accessibility for Libraries

Library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people in the community. Access to books and digital resources should not be hindered by disabilities or language barriers.

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Users Face Digital Barriers on Library Websites

Most of us take access to libraries for granted, but it’s not that simple for those who struggle with traditional methods of communication or face online barriers.

A survey found that 71% of individuals have abandoned websites that they found difficult to use. This issue is equally crucial for library websites, as users may miss out on valuable information or resources if they struggle to use a website. Ensuring that library websites are user-friendly and inclusive is essential in facilitating access to vital information and resources, especially for those who may be more vulnerable or require additional support.

Why you Should Provide Online Support in the Library Sector

Attract Patrons
An inclusive and accessible website can encourage individuals to explore the library's resources, access online materials, and visit the library in person.
Employer of Choice
Being inclusive sets you apart as an employer of choice. Higher staff satisfaction scores and reduced turnover rates will increase the pool of candidates who want to interview, work, and stay with you.
Enhanced User Experience
Assistive technology allows users to overcome barriers, allowing them to digest online content in a way that works for them.

Let us show you how easy it can be.

Thousands of library web pages made accessible through the use of assistive technology

The Recite Me assistive toolbar has been integral in providing equal access to library information for people with disabilities. 

Once the Recite Me assistive toolbar is installed on a website, access barriers can be broken down.  Users can make single or multiple adjustments to create a genuinely inclusive online experience. 

This is the total number of users who launched the Recite Me toolbar on library websites.
This is the total number of pages viewed using the Recite Me toolbar.
Higher than the industry average pages viewed per session.
Recite Me US Library Sector Guide Mock Up
Download our Digital Accessibility Guide for Libraries

Find out the organizations we already work with within the library sector, how Recite Me assistive technology can help website visitors, and check out a breakdown of our toolbar usage data from the past year.


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