North East Ambulance Service

The North East Ambulance Service provide Emergency Services, patient Transport Services, and 111 non-emergency services across the North East of England to 2.7 million people. Their commitment to diversity and inclusion means it is increasingly important for them to ensure people can access and interact with our website.

Desktop, mobile and tablet with North East Ambulance website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar
North East Ambulance Logo

Our Brief

Following the introduction of the Accessible Information Standard, NE Ambulance Service explored how they could improve access to services for people with specific communication needs. They wanted to move beyond the mandated requirements and found Recite me was able to give them a range of options to cover people living with disabilities and impairments and people who may have language needs. A growing number of people in the region identify as Black Asian or Minority Ethnic and have an increasing demand for language support. The introduction of Recite me has allowed NE Ambulance Service to significantly improve how people interact with them and the information on their website.

Our Solution

NE Ambulance Service have found the Recite Me tool to be really useful. It has helped them to make their website and information more accessible to people with a wide range of language and communication needs. Recite Me has helped them to demonstrate that they are serious about making information and communications accessible and supports helps to provide patients and the community with important messages, information, and advice about services, jobs, and volunteering opportunities. Something that is increasingly important since the introduction of the Accessible Information Standard.

Laptop with North East Ambulance website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar
North East Ambulance Service Logo
Speech marks icon
Laptop with North East Ambulance website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar
Mobiles with North East Ambulance website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar
Tablet with North East Ambulance website using the Recite Me assistive toolbar

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